What to Know About REO

Real Estate Owned or REO also commonly referred to as “bank owned”, is recognized as homes that have been foreclosed on by lenders or banks.  A home can enter a state of foreclose for many reasons however, it’s usually due to the event when a borrower’s mortgage payments become delinquent and ultimately goes unpaid.  The […]

Phase 5’s Effect on Real Estate

As we near closer to a state of normalcy, Illinois recently announced the plan to fully reopen as we enter Phase 5 since the start of the pandemic.  Starting on June 11th, a full reopening will begin however not all restrictions will be lifted.  Phase 5 is set to include the reopening at full capacity […]

Long vs. Short-Term Rentals: Best Option for Investors

Choosing to invest in real estate can be a very profitable option if done wisely and correctly.  Being that there are endless amounts of options to choose from, determining what choice is best suited for your needs can seem overwhelming.  Outweighing the pros and cons of every listing may be a daunting task.  However, if […]

Surging Home Sales

Reports have steadily shown across a multitude of data that 2021 would be a year of continual uptick in home sales across the nation.  As we persevere through a pandemic, through it has affected many fields. it has not slowed the real estate market in the slightest. Within the last month of March, over 59% […]

Simplifying Home Warranties

The responsibilities that come with being a property owner can be very intimidating for one who is new to it.  All restorations and necessary adjustments to a home must be taken care of and completed by the owner.  With that said, it’s vital that there is a security safety net that can cover the properties […]

Chicago’s Southside Neighborhoods to Watch

Chicago is home to a vast variety of countless neighborhoods, each of them highlighting decades worth of culture.  As the year’s progress, different neighborhoods all throughout the city have been focal points for restoration and renovation.  This may happen for a variety of reasons which always brings the market value of properties within that area […]

Guide to The Homeowner’s Association (HOA)

The Homeowner’s Association can be found in many neighborhood co-ops and condominiums around the country.  The HOA’s purpose is to maintain the upkeep as well as regulating the finances and standards of the property’s needs and those who reside within it.  It’s a private association that consists of elected members from the inhabitants of the […]

City Aids Chicago Entertainment

Entertainment Venue Aid           It’s no surprise that the city of Chicago is still feeling the effects of COVID-19 as it slowly adapts to the new way of life.  It’s safe to say that Chicago has come a long way since quarantined lockdown began in the end of March.  However, with the steady reopening of […]

Chicago Peaks Home Investment Sales

High sales and low listings       As the country continually adapts to the new way of life amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, real estate sales are on a continued uptick in major cities, one of them being Chicago.  The market reports that the listing of properties are at a staggering low as the sales prices continue […]

The Best Time to Purchase a Home

Invest in December       To say that entering the real estate market as a possible buyer is intimidating is definitely an understatement.  With so many options available along with the task of aligning your needs versus your wants to your new investment, it’s a lot to take into consideration among many other factors.  One of […]