Not only does it take a lot of hard work to obtain your real estate broker license, becoming established in this profession also requires a great deal of hard work and dedication. One of the things you’ll do often as a Realtor® is to host open houses. How successful you are at holding open houses depends largely upon the preparations you make beforehand.
The first thing you should do is choose the right home to hold an open house in.
Those that are somewhat off the beaten path may not attract enough visitors. Homes that are in ill repair, dirty or generally unkempt also do not show well. Your ideal open house will highlight a well maintained home that is located in a high traffic area in order to generate the most interest possible.
Plan to do plenty of advertising before your open house. Hang signs in the neighborhood, and place advertisements on your website as well. On the day of the open house, place signs at some of the busiest intersections near your location that will direct visitors to the property. Add a few balloons to the signs to attract attention, and consider putting balloons on the mailbox of the home as well.
Give your homeowners advice on how to make their home as presentable as possible.
Advise them to put away clutter and tidy things up beforehand. Burn a few candles in order to provide a pleasing aroma, but do not use air fresheners, as they can be irritating to those with allergies. Ask that your client’s four-legged friends be taken to a sitter so that they will not interfere with people viewing the home.
Dress professionally and greet everyone who arrives. Ask them to sign a guest book so that you can have a record of their visit, and this will provide you with potential leads for future use as well. Allow guests to view the house at their leisure, and do not be overly aggressive. Be available to answer any questions that might come up, and have a few blank contracts on hand in case someone wishes to make an offer on the home. Hand out your business card to people as they leave, and thank them for coming to your open house.
Hosting open houses can be fun and exciting, and a career in real estate can be satisfying and financially rewarding as well. To obtain the training you need to earn your real estate broker’s license, contact us.