With renters making up a majority of the Chicagoland population, there are a lot of rules and regulations that can sometimes get swept under the rug. As a member of the real estate community, you are responsible for knowing your rights and the laws pertaining to such. However, is that always the case? This blog will provide you with three tips that can go very far to those unaware of them.
There may come a time where you need to end your lease early.
This can be for variety of reasons but one thing is clear, it is up to your landlord to help find a sublease. This can be a stressful time for both parties involved yet, if one another is helping each other on the search for a new tenant; it streamlines the process as a whole in a much more efficient manner. The landlord can list the property and such but it is up to the original renters to come up with the remaining lease payments and advertising cost if there is no sublease secured before you out of the property.
Chicago winters are brutal, to say the least.
Having an appropriately functioning heating system in your place of residence is second nature. It is by law that resident temperatures be set from 63 through 68 degrees throughout the day from mid-September through the 1st of July.
In the city of Chicago, recycling collection is offered on a bi-weekly basis.
It is important that all Illinois residents do their part in partaking in recycling. Though, it is the landlord’s responsibility to provide all necessary materials for tenants to be able to recycle. This is for buildings hosting under five units. Larger buildings operate under a different subset of rules and regulations.
Being educated in every possible way is crucial before the time comes where you may need to enact on enforcing such rules. Here at the Chicago Real Estate Institute, we offer an affordable leasing agent course that can be completed in as little as 15 hours. Hosted courses available to fit anyone’s schedule, we make sure we can accommodate to you. Become the best version of yourself with the help of our instructors with years of experience helping you to your path of greatness. For more information, call our office at (773) 880-7400 or visit the school at our beautiful Lincoln Park location at 2711 N. Halsted.